The EU ETS is limited by a 'cap' on the number of emission allowances. Within the cap, companies receive or buy emission allowances, which they can trade as needed. The cap decreases every year, ensuring that total emissions fall.
Each allowance gives the holder the right to emit:
There are a number of great resources on the regulatory and practical aspects of the system – none better than the EU’s own:
Sayın İlgili,
Grup Kluplerinden West of England aşağıdaki sirkuleri yayınlamıştır. Buna göre ABD'de bulunan ancak ABD vatandaşı olmayan bir kişi dahi ABD'de tatilde ya da iş gezisinde ya da bir ABD havaalanında aktarma uçak değiştirirken bile bu süre için ABD'li bir vatandaş gibi değerlendirileceğini dolayısı ile ABD'li vatandaşlar için halen devam eden İran ambargo statüsü olan "primary sanctions"ı ihlal etmemesi gerektiği bildirilmektedir. Ofis çalışanlarınızın bundan dolayı ABD'ye seyatlerinde İran ile yapabilecekleri ticari bağlantılar için herhangi bir şekilde telefon, email ya da herhangi bir iletişim aracı kullanmamaları tavsiye edilmektedir.
Iran Sanctions - Effects on Travelers to the USA
26th August 2016
The Club's US attorneys Freehill Hogan & Mahar recently clarified with OFAC the impact of continuing US primary sanctions against Iran on non-US persons travelling to the United States.
OFAC's view was clear and unequivocal; any person in the US for any period of time becomes a "US person" for purposes of the US primary sanctions against Iran and as such they must not enter into any discussions or communications by telephone or e-mail or any other means which concern Iran or Iranian entities. To do so would be a violation of US primary sanctions. Even a person who is merely changing flights at a US airport for a few hours becomes a "US person" for these purposes and subject to the restrictions.
Members should therefore be aware that, for example, chartering or operations staff who are on business trips or holidays to the United States may not enter into any discussions or correspondence over Iranian fixtures.