The EU ETS is limited by a 'cap' on the number of emission allowances. Within the cap, companies receive or buy emission allowances, which they can trade as needed. The cap decreases every year, ensuring that total emissions fall.
Each allowance gives the holder the right to emit:
There are a number of great resources on the regulatory and practical aspects of the system – none better than the EU’s own:
ayın ilgili,
Ülkemiz ve Rusya ile halihazırda yaşanan gerginlikler sebebiyle, her ne kadar 01 Ocak 2016 tarihine kadar herhangi bir resmi kısıtlama uygulaması ortada yoksada fiili durum sizce de malumdur. Özellikle Rusya’ya taze gıda sevkiyatında malların tahliyesinin sebepsiz yere geciktirilmesi ve hatta iade edilmesi durumlarıyla maalesef karşılaşılmaktadır. Lodestar P&I Klüpten gelen uyarı mesajını aşağıda dikkatlerinize sunuyoruz.
Taşıma sözleşmesinin ihlaline yönelik durumun olmadığı, fakat politik ve / veya ticari gerekçelerle tahliyenin yapılamaması nedeniyle armatörlerin yük alıcılarına karşı sorumluluğunun olmadığı hallerde, armatörlerin maruz kaldıkları ticari faaliyet kayıplarının P&I sigortacısının sağlamış olduğu kuvertür kapsamı haricinde olduğu bildirilmektedir.
Durumun önemine binaen bilgilerinize sunarız.
İlave görüş ve sorularınız için klüp her zaman açık olduğunu belirtmektedir.
Dear All,
We acknowledge that Lodestar/RSA insure various vessels that are involved in the carriage of fresh produce between Turkey and Russia. As you are well aware many of these shipments are now encountering difficulties at Russian ports due to the political tension between Russia and Turkey, irrespective of the fact that sanctions are not officially imposed until 1st January 2016.
We would however like to draw to your attention that, in common with all other P&I insurers, an Assureds cover does not respond to commercial trade risks such as problems at a port preventing discharge, whether politically or commercially motivated, and where there has been no breach of the contract of carriage because in these circumstances Owners should have no liability towards cargo interests. Accordingly, we strongly recommend that cargo owners are informed to arrange for discharge and disposal of the cargo at the earliest opportunity and that Owners reserve the right to claims for any costs, losses and delays from cargo interests given that all potential losses stem from their shipping cargo to a place where they could not arrange for the agreed contractual discharge, prior to the damage occurring.
We apologise for this general email message but consider that it is important that our Assureds are aware of Insurers position at an early stage.
Please revert should you have any specific questions or concerns.
Best regards,
Steven Kirk
+44 (0)207 068 8305 (Direct) +44 (0)75 5797 0558 (Mobile)